To the victors go the spoils — know how to study AND party while others take time off –then YOU pass.

For the CFA candidates prepping for December and stuck inside this weekend, we’re thinking of you. Maybe these ideas for holiday studying can make your weekend a little easier.


Three simple steps to celebrating PLUS making progress on studying.

When I took Level I it was the early June cycle. My husband was training for a marathon and had a workshop in our living room with four friends and a world class marathoner coach. They were having so much fun and I could not leave my office despite the merriment in the other room.

Tricks I used to keep focused. (I passed…)

1) I wanted to be out with the fun. To keep centered on the page in front of me I kept a picture of a friend’s Congratulations from the CFAI note next to my books.

2) Try doing a “test” every half hour at least. Answer some end of chapter questions applicable to the material you just read. With high distractions it’s easy to read without really reading.

3) If you’re distracted there are two “fixes”.

  • Get up and do vigorous exercise for 5 minutes every hour.

  • And, be realistic and add hours to your study plan. If you’ve been at it for 6 hours but only really did 3 hours of work, then up the total to 303!

Good luck in prep and here’s to passing in 2021!!!

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If you want an app that moves you into a focused study place, get the Dome. We created this app to get you to You Passed.

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