We’ve all said it. Can’t sleep, not working out, eating crap, driving friends and family crazy.

And we all know those candidates who seem to be breezing through with ease?


How do they do it?


Is it possible for anyone to prep without going crazy? What would that look like?


What candidates need most is:

1) A curriculum expert to answer questions and provide formal instruction, and a

2) A curriculum coach who’s “on call” to answer any question right away, and,

3) Mindset and psychological management support.

We at Candidate Success are all about #3. Managing Your Candidate Mental Health The World Health Organization defines mental health as “.. a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities” and: can cope with the normal stresses of life,can work productively and fruitfully, andis able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

What fun could it be to claim full mental health for the whole of exam prep — and exam day!!! So how can that be achieved? We can help. We are a team of CFA charter holders dedicated solely to your mental health while while you prep. You outsource your angst, motivation, and accountability to us.

We help you talk it out, nudge toward your goals, and often times just listen.

1) An always-on expert ear — rant to us, or we’ll give advice if asked — from the perspective both of having been there, and from working with hundreds of candidates who went through same thing and went on to pass.

2) Benchmarking assessment – that measures you against working charter holders — this analysis lets you know who you are and that cuts wasted time.

We remove obstacles, give you shortcuts, and you spend your time mastering the curriculum. Pick a program that fits your schedule and your needs: Candidate Success Programs

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