Would you rather play video games than prep for the CFA exam?

Would you believe me if I told you that there is a keysimilarity between the two that leads to the “win” in both?

Yes of course I know you’re thinking — these two activitieshave more differences than similarities.

One seems fun and the other tedious. Winning at video gamesmeans reacting fast – faster than someone shooting at you or faster than theobstacles you need to jump over. The fast action is accompanied by loud noisesand the figures on the screen are colorful and the feeling is winner takeall/life and death/total focus on the action at hand. That flood of stimulaeand demand for quick action makes video games thrilling.  

Prepping for the CFA exam is the exact opposite. The processdepends on much quiet time, slow consideration of material and facts, and analmost-glacial stepwise progress along a lonely path to a distant goal. Theonly thrill is passing and even that comes only after a six week wait after theevent.

But there is one huge similarity.

Both CFA candidates and video game players do a lot ofsitting and often in solitary environments. And ultimately, the quality ofactivities performed in those sedentary solitary environments separate thewinners from the losers.

To increase chances of winning in both, new research tellsyou to take a singular action to improve chances of winning. It’s not energydrinks or caffeine or beer.

It’s exercise.

Gamerswho exercised for 15 minutes before playing eliminated more targets and hadhigher hit ratios. The reason for the increased wins? Exercise increasesattention and decision-making speed.

Think speed is not important in decision making for the CFAexam? Imagine if you could speedily recall the formulas needed to answerquestions.

Plus exercise increases attention and cognitive capacitydefined as executive function in the brain.

Why does this happen?  Physical activity has been shown to increasethe size of the hippocampus which is where memory, learning, and emotion areprocessed. Some research compares the hippocampus to RAM. Information is storedthere short term, until reviewed or integrated, and then it’s written to the“hard drive” of the executive functions in the brain.

Need more motivation to take that exercise break fromstudying? Exerciserelieves stress. Both gamers and CFA candidates are under high levels ofstress and simple movement can alleviate that.

Study, take a short break with exercise as simple as walking around the block – and you’ll return with capacity for more effective learning. Start now and you’re more likely to get Congratulations in that much-anticipated results email. Good studying!

Good studying and good luckon Exam Day and every day!


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Do multiplayer CFA prep. (Candidates who study together pass together. Try our free matching service to find your passing partner.)

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